Saturday, April 30, 2011

Today's Project ~ Purple Bracelet

I've been wanting to make a bracelet to go with my new dress for Brian's wedding.  I originally was thinking about velvet, I have some left-over from some long-ago project, but I really wanted purple to go with my outfit.  So, when I had some fabric left-over from Parker's Romper, it seemed perfect.

I've been planning to use one of my bling-brooches left over from work, but I needed to do something in addition.  Originally, I was going to do a pleated ribbon circle under the pin, but that would require a trip to the fabric store.  Then, last week I saw this post, so I was inspired to do the fabric knots.  ...unfortunately, turns out that would also require a trip to the fabric store.

Then I remembered the yoyo's we made at MOPS a few weeks ago.  They've been laying around the house since they fell off all the bobby pins & magnets they were originally attached to.  Turns out they are perfect, and I had several to chose from.

I bought a bracelet form at the craft store a while ago, so I used that for this project.  But, if I feel like doing this again, I have a bracelet in my jewelry box that I got in BP several years ago that I could use, it's just a little too big so it's always falling off, and the edges are kind of sharp.  A layer of fabric might be just the thing to make it wearable.

One thing I learned from this project ~ if I'm really going to start being super-crafty (which is a pretty big "if"), I'm going to need to get a new hot-glue gun.  I got my current hot-glue gun from my Mom, and she probably had it for 20 years prior.  The trigger doesn't work, so you have to push on the glue stick to get anything out.  Plus, the stand is so wobbly, half the time the glue had hardened by the time I'd finished putting the gun down.

Except for that, it turned out to be a super easy project.  I was able to finish the whole thing in the time it took Keith to put Parker down for a nap.

I'm not really a big hand-made jewelry person, it is one of those things that I see on another person & think it looks really cool, but I don't think I can pull it off.  So we'll see how much I wear this, but I think it looks great & I'm excited to try it out.

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