Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Parker & Fiona

Parker & I got to hang out with Cousin Fiona all day yesterday while Doug & Kelly were at work.
I have to admit, I never expected that my brother (who is NINE years older than me) and I would have babies at the same time.  I'm so excited for Parker to have so many cousins his own age.

Parker wasn't really sure what to do with a cousin that wasn't bigger than him and attacking him with kisses.

Fiona was born almost three months after Parker, but she's the same size as Parker (actually, I'm pretty sure she's heavier).  It was very interesting to put the two next to each other.  Although they were the same size, Parker is so much further developmentally.  I'd forgotten how content a 4-month old is willing to stay in one spot, while Parker rolls all over the room (he actually rolled out of the office, through the hallway, and into his bedroom the other day).

There was a fair amount of binky-stealing going on (from both sides), but the two cousins had a pretty good time together.

Fiona looks so much like Doug, it's uncanny, but as she's getting older, she's starting to look more like Kelly too.  I imagine that she'll look remarkably more like Kelly once she gets a little hair.  She's totally rockin' her Daddy's 'do at the moment.

We took Darcy for a walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon, Fiona fell asleep about half-way through.  In taking this picture, I discovered how much she moves in her sleep.  Parker, when he sleeps is totally & completely still, I have to put my hand on his chest to make sure he's sleeping.  Fiona kept fidgeting in her sleep (you can see her hand moving in the photo below) and I was certain she was waking up several times.

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