Sunday, April 10, 2011

Field Trip!

I started taking a photography class at North Seattle Community College yesterday.

I don't have any desire to be a super-fancy photographer...

But it would be nice if my camera weren't smarter than I.

Yesterday, we learned the basics of camera operation.

So, today, we met at the Bellevue Botanical garden to try out what we've learned.

Here's an assortment of what I photographed.

I have to admit, by the end of two hours (actually, I left half an hour early), I was pretty tired of taking pictures of flowers. 

And really tired of taking pictures of leaves, since that's mostly what was out.

But, I am proud to report that ALL these pictures were taken on the manual setting.

I'm learning... look out Mr. Camera, I'm gaining on you!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!

    I love my point-and-shoot, but wish it could do bokeh like a dslr. Sure makes the photos look nicer. Some year....
