Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ten on Ten ~ Parker's Day

I've recently started following the blog of a girl at church.  She has stated the "Ten on Ten" project:  once a month on the tenth taking a photo an hour for ten consecutive hours.  I thought I'd give it a try this month, so here you go, our day in pictures:

ten on ten button


  1. Great pictures. I have a Parker too!

  2. Such sweet pics! I also have a Parker so that makes at least 3! How funny! Great minds think alike.

  3. Great pictures. It looks like you had a great day.

  4. What a sweet smile your little guy has!

  5. I love your photos - and I have totally seen you at church in fact I think we went to high school together, did you go to King's? thanks for joining in this month I look forward to saying hi in person soon! xo

  6. visting from 10 on 10...Parker is adorable!

  7. What a sweet boy! And is that homemade bread I see?? Yum!!
