Tuesday, March 29, 2011

7 months!

Our little boy is seven months already, I can't believe it!

Parker loves to roll.  His current trick is to roll as far has he can until he crashes into something (wall, couch, you name it) and then wail until either I rescue him, or he remembers how to roll the other direction.

He does not like the sun (what little he's seen of it so far).  He sneezes whenever the sun gets in his eyes, just like his Mama.

When we're out & about he loves to just watch all the coming & going and seeing what everyone else is up to.

...and he loves his Sophie!  Or really anything he can put in his mouth.

Parker's had a rather rough cold the past few days.  But when he's not coughing and fighting sleep, he's still a really happy baby.

He's learning to sit up on his own.  But he really prefers to be either rolling or held so he can stand up.

He also loves his solid foods!  He will actually sit in the high chair and cry (with tears) while he waits for us to get his 2nd and 3rd courses ready.  Here he's sporting a natty collard greens goatee.  So far he's showing a willingness to eat greens that far exceeds his Mama & Daddy's.

Parker also loves to put anything & everything in his mouth.  Anytime he moves his body, he leads with the mouth, which is always open, waiting for new experiences.

All in all, he's a pretty fantastic little guy and we are so lucky to have him in our lives.

I wouldn't mind if he slept a little longer at night, but I still can't deny that we have the easiest baby ever.

He's also growing!
As of yesterday, he's 15lbs, 9oz.
That puts him in the 5th percentile for weight, we're on the upswing!


  1. Hooray Parker! Way to grow! It must be all the greens :)

    I love that last picture - such a sweet expression!

  2. Oh yay, I'm so glad he's gaining weight well! I agree that the last picture is adorable -- he looks a lot like Joshua!
