Thursday, March 28, 2013

This boy...

Parker has fully embraced his "2-ness" in the past few weeks, so he has been equal parts frustrating & adorable.  The reason he & Cecily are alone in his room in these photos is because he'd pushed so hard his Mama was having a melt-down in the room next-door.  How is it possible that I can be out-witted by someone so tiny!?!
But they are cute together.
And, when Parker is being nice, he is the sweetest, funniest guy ever.
So, to remember the good times, a few of Parker's current moments:

Parker has taken to asking if Daddy is "comming over for dinner".  I try to explain to him that Daddy comes home AT dinner time, but that is different than coming over FOR dinner.

Parker LOVES playing church.  He knows the schedule perfectly:
Story time!
Say our prayers ("Jesus loves me, AMEN!")
Snack time!
Song time! (he usually then sings his mash-up of Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle, and the Itsy-Bitsy Spider)
Yesterday, he took it to another level and included Coffee Time!
He then used Cecily as his air pot, pushing on her head and putting the cup in-front of her mouth for the "coffee" to come out.

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