Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Seven Months!

Our baby girl is seven months old!

She's growing up so fast.
After we figured out how to feed her, Cecily has been eating just about anything we put in-front of her.  She LOVES feeding herself, and she's getting better & better at getting it into her mouth rather than in her lap.  She's been eating sweet potatoes, kale, raisins, peaches, avocado, and all manner of puffs.  While it's easier to serve her this way (just put the food on her tray and let her go to town), it can be harder to come up with ideas for what I can feed her,  You can steam and puree just about anything, but not everything is as easy to get into bite-sized cubes.  I might try putting a spoon and a bowl of puree in-front of her and seeing what happens, it's not like our walls & floors are pristine right now anyway.

This is one of those just-for-the-Grandparents videos, but Cecily has started talking:

Cecily loves her big brother.  Although I am constantly telling him to get off her, she actually loves it.  She's become a grabby little girl, so the two of them are constantly stealing each other's binkies & blankies.

Cecily has become a very happy little girl.  Although she still has her screaming moments, it's usually with a reason, and most of the time she is happy & smiling.

Look, she's smiling!  It's like she's a new baby.

Cecily has caught a cold this week and is pretty snotty and drooly.

But, colds aside, she's been in a great mood.

Cecily is still rolling everywhere.  I think she still has a way to go before she's crawling, but for right now, she's getting pretty efficient at getting where she wants to be.

I still don't see any teeth in our near future, but our little girl is a drooly-chewy-mess.  She will grab anything and put it in her mouth.  Well, except, you know, for her binky when she's crying, but everything else.  I bought the two of us one of those teething necklaces this week, she loves chewing on those little beads.  I might have to buy them in every color.

We love this little girl, and we have a little party every time we see her smile.  What an amazing difference to have a happy baby!

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