Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cecily's 6-Month Appointment

We took Cecily in for her 6-month appointment this week.  Her stats:
Weight: 13 lbs, 5.5oz (3.48%)
Height: 24.5" (2.35%)
Head Circ: 41.9 (29.07%)

She's tiny, but she's proportionate.

We've been trying to get Cecily to eat a few more foods.  She's a little more willing after the whole poop episode on Sunday, but it's still a struggle and she seems to spread most of it across her face.

But, last night, we made a remarkable discovery.  It's not that she doesn't like food...  It's that our little Miss Independent is unwilling to eat anything that she doesn't feed herself.  Seeing how she's not so great with the spoon yet, baby food doesn't really work for her.  I finally fully understood this last night, so I chopped some pears into tiny pieces and put them on her tray.  She went to town and ate them all.  Apparently we're just going to skip the whole baby food phase.

Cecily is rolling all over the place, and loves putting anything in her mouth.  Combine those two things and I need to start vacuuming more frequently.

We've decided to take her off the Prevacid and go back to the baby Zantac.  The Prevacid didn't seem to work any better, and at $250/month, it ought to work pretty darn well.

She's getting much more coordinated and can usually manage to get her binky back into her mouth when she chooses.  That really is one of the more important life skills for a baby.

It is so nice to see this little girl smiling again!

We're still not sleeping much at night, most nights she wakes me up at 10, 12, 2, and so on until about 8am.  But every once in a while, she'll skip the 10pm wake-up and sleep until midnight.  On those nights she sometimes even skips the 2am, which is great since it then lets me sleep for just under 4 hours straight.  Those are the good nights.  But, most nights, I average 1.5-2 hours at a time. 

She's averaging three or four 30-45 minute naps during the day, they're not great, but at least they usually don't involve the hours of screaming that they did a few weeks ago.

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