Friday, March 8, 2013

Sick little girl

Cecily has caught a cold this week. She's really feeling okay, she's pretty happy, she just has a bit of a cough. Her Mama, on the other hand, is exhausted.
 If you hear Cecily cough during the day, it sounds like a poor little girl who isn't feeling very well, but for some reason, during the night, that same cough sounds (to my over-developed imagination) like she's choking to death. So, although Cecily is sleeping remarkably well these past few days, I've been climbing out of bed every time she coughs to check that she's okay. So I haven't slept much lately.
 The first night, I brought her to bed with me so I could be close to her, but I don't think that Keith slept very well with her so close. And while I'm willing to sacrifice a little of Keith's sleep for our kid's safety, I don't think I should do so just because I worry too much.  Last night, I set the pack-n-play up in the bedroom.  Seemed like a good idea, but she refused to sleep, at all.  So, after two hours of trying to get her to go down, I gave up and put her to bed in her crib...she went right to sleep.  And I did too, I guess you get tired enough and you stop indulging so many worries.
I took her into the Doctor this morning.  Although she's a little wheezy, they're not too concerned, it's not Asthma, just a lot of chest congestion.  Her oxygen levels are a little low, but not enough to worry about.  So, if we have another bad night, we'll go back in tomorrow, otherwise, she should be fine and we just have to wait it out (and spend a lot of time with the NoseFrida).
On the plus side, she's up to 13 lbs, 12oz, that's up 7oz since last Wednesday, and she's moved up to the 5th percentile!

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