Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I remember when we went in for Parker's 12-month appointment, the Dr. said that by the time he's 18-months, Parker should have 3-5 words that he uses consistently & accurately.  It seemed impossible since at the time he didn't even have a mastery of "Mama" and "Daddy".  I needn't have worried, this little guy is a chatter box.  So, for the sake of posterity, a few of my favorite Parker-isms:
"Sessie Tummy" - This originated from Parker watching Cecily scream her head off during tummy-time.  He thought it looked so fun, he would try to lay down ON-TOP of her during tummy time.  We've managed to steer him away from that (for the most part) to something closer to this:
So now, he says "Sessie tummy", then lays down on the floor for Cecily to climb on-top.

She still hates tummy time, so more often than not, she is screaming in his ear, but he still thinks it's the best thing ever.

"Sessie AWAKE" - Usually said at top-volume, with little regard for whether or not she is actually awake.

"My Fam-a-lam-a-lee" which consists of "Baby Sess-i-luh-lee", "Daddy Keef", and "Mama Dewey"

"Grandma House" which has recently evolved to "Grandma House No" from the amount of times I've had to say "No, we're not going to Grandma's house right now"

"Kyla House" ~ After visiting Kyla's Cabin and Kyla's House in the same weekend, Parker has become pretty obsessed with his eldest Kruger-cousin.

"Parker do it", most often followed by "No! Parker DO it!"

"Carry You" followed by "Parker carry you!" ~ Roughly translated means "put down the baby and carry me up the stairs"

"Mama coming?" ~ This is used both when he's pounding on his bedroom door to get out, and also any time he wants to run & have Mama chase him.

"Elephant Shower" ~ I'm trying to remember, I believe that we saw the elephant shower before Cecily was born, but he still talks about it occasionally.

"Daddy car?" ~ No Parker, Daddy took the bus to work today.

"Costco" often followed by "hot dog" ~ I'm not real proud of that one.  Although, the other day, we had avocado in our salad and Parker kept demanding more "costco".  He used to know the word avocado, but apparently costco is more fun to say.

"No, get down, all done" ~ Generally said as he opens his mouth so you can shovel another spoonful of dinner in his mouth.

"Binky nap time!" ~ After the binky debacle of last month, Parker is allowed to have binky at bedtime and nap time.  Yesterday, that meant that he chose to skip lunch in favor of binky naptime.

I asked Parker to smile for the photo, this is what I got:

followed by: "Cheese"

This boy cracks me up!

1 comment:

  1. So funny. how fun to have all these to look back on! plus, I am terrible at remembering tummy time, apparently I need a Parker around to remind me and facilitate!
