Monday, October 15, 2012

10 Weeks

Cecily is 10 weeks already.  These weeks are flying by.
Our little girl is such a joy.  She's starting to be more alert and we're loving making her smile & wave her hands.

She's still a terrible napper, taking an hour to finally fall asleep (I think the 15th time we put the binky back in seems to be the trick) and then staying that way for all of 20 minutes.  But, she slept 8 1/2 hours last night, so I'm not allowed to complain.

She's starting to get the hang of her activity mat and can occasionally kick & start the music playing.  This could be something of a self-preservation technique...  If the music stays off for too long, Parker will turn it on, by lifting the entire thing up and slamming it on the ground.

She is such a dainty little creature, I'm really not sure who she looks like; I certainly wasn't this cute as a baby.

I gave her a bath yesterday and her mohawk seems to have disappeared, we'll see if it comes back.

Our little girl seems to have pretty sensitive skin, so yesterday I gave her some naked baby play time after her bath so she could dry out.  I don't know if it helped, she has some folds that have never seen the light of day.  The Dr recommended corn starch for the moistness and heavy lotion over it for the dryness, it seems strange that you can be suffering from dry skin and moisture in the same spot...babies are weird.

So far, her eyes seem to be the same blue-grey color that Parker's are.  Her hair is lightening up, I think we might have a strawberry blonde on our hands eventually - there seems to be a little red to her hair, but it could also just be the lighting, we'll have to wait & see.

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