Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today's Project ~ Changing table covers

I am finally starting to feel well enough that I can start on all my sewing projects for baby girl.  I have an extremely long list of things I'd like to do before she gets here, and I'm starting to think that it's not all going to happen.

Especially if every project goes as well as today's.

These are the 3rd & 4th changing pad covers I've made, so I thought that it would be a quick & easy project.  I already have the pattern created, how hard could it be, right?  Well, turns out it was a NIGHTMARE!  By the end, I was so tired & frustrated, my sewing skills totally went to pot & my only goal was to finish.

I'm not entirely sure what went wrong, but I do know that the first one I made ended up being FOUR inches too long!  Seriously, I've made these before, how is that even possible?!?  I'm not really sure, but I still haven't fixed it yet.

In addition, I'm using a different fabric for the fuzzy part; for Parker's cover, I used the minky dot fabric, which is kind of fuzzy & slippery, but not too bad.  For this one, I used the "ultra cuddle" fabric; well it's cuddly (it's what I used for Parker's blankies), but it's a little like cutting & sewing jello.

When we selected the "bike" theme for Parker's room, I quickly learned that it was an impossible theme and I would never find anything (fabric or otherwise) to fill the room.  I thought that with a light purple & grey theme, things would be easier.  As you can see from the dark purple & black changing pad, not so much.  That was the closest color I could find, and also why I ended up spending hours sewing jello today.

I have enough fabric to make one more cover, I might eventually get around to sewing it, but I can tell you this, if little girl needs another cover after that, she's getting it from Babies-r-us.

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