Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Parker's silly morning

I'm taking a non-photo baby-book moment, indulge me...

Most mornings (and by that I mean EVERY morning), Parker is up before me, so when I finally go in to let him out, his binky, blanky, and all his stuffed animals are thrown hither & yon within his bedroom (yesterday he threw his binky so hard we still haven't found it).  Today, Parker took pity on his tired, pregnant Mama and actually slept in.  I was able to get up (and shower) before he was awake.  So, when I went in to get him, he hadn't even had a chance to throw anything out of the crib.  However, he refused to get out of the crib until he'd thrown each and every one of them on the floor.  "Hang on just a second Mama, I have to do my morning chores."

We're still working on weaning Parker from the binky, the past few weeks have been far less successful than others.  So, this morning, I had to feed Parker his breakfast, because he had his binky in one hand and his blanky in the other, and no hand free to hold the spoon.

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