Sunday, May 6, 2012

Office re-do...or, how Keith spent the past two weekends

We're starting to get ready for Baby Sister's arrival.  I've been planning the nursery for a while, but it is a multiple-step process.  Last week, we started to tackle the first step:

Step 1: Move the office


We have an unused room in the basement that we're moving the office to.  I was originally going to call this an "empty" room, but that would be over-stating things, it was full, just not with anything useful or needed.  So, we moved onto Step 1a: Clear out the "pink room"

Yes, we called it the "pink room", and here is the reason for
Step 1b: Paint the new office:

Lovely paint job, no?  If you really love it, let me know, we have a matching comforter.

So, while Parker & I were outside all weekend playing/working in the yard, Keith was stuck in the basement painting.

This weekend, Keith's amazingly helpful Parents came up to help Keith move the built-in office down from upstairs to our new office space.


It took Keith & his Dad (and sometimes his Mom) all afternoon and a good portion of the evening to get everything moved & installed, but the final project is amazing.

Keith's folks were a huge lifesaver, there is no way we could have done this on our own.  Especially since I couldn't do any of the heavy lifting.  As it was, Keith's Mom watched Parker while I painted the baby's dresser and worked on one other project, and by the end of the day I was exhausted and sore all over.  Pregnant Mamas aren't all that helpful in the home-improvement arena, sorry!

We've got almost everything put back together downstairs.

Now on to the baby's room...

...oh dear.

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