Saturday, May 26, 2012

21 Months!

Believe it or not, our little guy is 21 months today!  He's getting so big & so smart, it's amazing.

I'm not sure if it's because he's glad to have us home or what, but Parker has been a non-stop chatterbox since we got home from vacation.  Although we occasionally can pick out a word (Mama, Daddy, Doggie, etc.), it's mostly gibberish, but very emphatic gibberish none the less.

Parker's starting to get excited about baby sister's arrival.  Occasionally, you can actually get him to answer "baby" when you ask "what's in Mama's belly?"  He's taken to patting my belly, and the other day he gave my belly a kiss.  It was SO sweet, at least until he then started kissing Daddy's belly, and then ran over and started kissing the wall.

Parker is a super-duper helper, he loves to help set the table, and every evening he helps Daddy put his lunch box away.  This means that every morning, Keith has to go on a hunt for his lunch box, but it's still pretty sweet.  Yesterday, Parker pulled all the dirty laundry out of the hamper and put it in a laundry basket, he then pushed the laundry basket out into the living room so I could take it downstairs.  If only he would stay this helpful into his teenage years.

The other day, Parker discovered how to drink out of the bathroom faucet.  He was washing his hands, and next thing you know, he was drinking.  This will require more constant vigilance to make sure he doesn't drown, but he was pretty proud of himself.

After months of practice, Parker has learned how to buckle the seat belt on his high chair.  He doesn't always get it right, but he's pretty proud when it goes in.

Parker's current obsessions are: Bikes, Balls, and Bubbles, pretty much in that order.  Every time we go into the garage, he screams "bike, bike, bike!" begging to go for a ride.  Daddy took him for a long ride this afternoon, he had an awesome time.  When we go for a walk, he points out every bike we see, as well as all balls & basketball hoops, this boy honestly has quite the one-track mind.

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