Friday, September 30, 2011

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

Okay, not really, it's September and it was 75 out yesterday.  But it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in my craft room.

Last year, shortly before Christmas, I discovered that we've been so busy trying to fit-in all our extended family's Christmas traditions that we'd forgotten to make any traditions of our own.

Fortunately, Parker was only 3 months old, so I think I still have time to rectify the situation.  Several people I've talked to mentioned their special advent calendars, so I thought I'd try making one for our family this year.

Growing up, I LOVED the count-down to Christmas, I'd have five or six different calendars that I'd use to count-down the days.  It's actually a little shocking that I've made it this far in my adult life without one.

So, after a ton of Internet research, I found this pattern on  Of course, their pattern is held together with glue, but I couldn't do it the easy way, I wanted mine hand embellished and sewn together.  (I think next time I'd go with the glue)

So, for the past few weeks, I've spent every evening surrounded by rick rack, embroidery floss, and sequins.

I am really excited about the final result:

I even added a little card on the back, so that as each day passes, you flip over the stocking and the card says "12 more days 'till Christmas".

My long-term plan is to put a little note in each stocking with an Advent reading as well as a small Christmas activity to do with Parker on each day.  He'll be a little young to appreciate it this year, but I think it will be a fun tradition in the future.

The only problem is I've only come up with five or six activity ideas so far.  Anyone have any suggestions?  They don't have to be complicated, just reading a favorite story, or drinking hot cocoa by the fire, whatever you do to make Christmas special.  Let me know your suggestions!


  1. So beautiful and creative, Julie! Here are some activity ideas for you. Just brainstorming... take a walk or make angels in the snow (even if you have to drive to find it), chop down a Christmas tree, decorate the Christmas tree, write a special Christmas message to a family member, go look at Christmas lights, bake cookies for Santa, bake Christmas cookies for your own family, sing Christmas carols, wrap presents... I love your concept, but am out of ideas right now. if I think of more, I'll post again. :)

  2. This is a great reminder that I need to get cracking on knitting his stocking and Christmas blanket. My activity suggestion is to make paper snowflakes.

  3. too cute! Here are a few ideas - maybe you already have some of them:

    choose and decorate Christmas tree. bake/decorate Christmas cookies.Tour of neighborhood Christmas Lights. Go Christmas Caroling - or sing carols at home. Wear your Christmas jammies. Build a snowman/make a snow angel. Read the Christmas Story. Watch a Christmas movie. Christmas photos with Santa.

  4. very cute!! We have an advent tree with an ornament per day. The kids spend the month putting the ornaments on & taking them off. I spend the entire month hunting around the house for the little ornaments. Definitely havent' gotten the concept of 1 per day around here yet.
