Tuesday, June 26, 2012

22 Months!

Believe it or not, Parker is 22 months already.  It's hard to believe that in two months, he'll be two...and I'll have a newborn.  I'm not sure which I find more terrifying at the moment.

But, we're here to talk about Parker right now.

We took Parker to his first baseball game a few weeks ago.  He LOVED it!  He loved the noise, and the crowds, and all the bikes, and riding the bus from downtown...and the french fries (junk food is an essential part of baseball, right?!?)

Unfortunately, he turned out to be a bit of a Giants Fan, cheering every time the Giants did something good.  He can't really be faulted for that.  We were surrounded by Giants fans, and if he wanted to clap, he would have been waiting a long time for the Mariners to make a decent play.

We left at the end of the 6th inning, and it was already clear that the M's were in way over their head.

Parker has become quite the little jabber-er.  Nearly every morning, we have some version of this conversation when he first gets up:
"Good morning little guy!"
"Daddy's at work."
"In the car?"
"No, Daddy took the bus"
"In the car?"
"No, Bus"
"No, Bus"
"That's right."

Some of Parker's current favorite words or phrases:
"Is Okay."
"There you go" - Apparently Mama says these two a lot
"Potty" - Occasionally he really does mean that he wants to use the potty when he says this, but more often than not, he means that he thinks Mama should go potty.  Considering my current "condition" he's probably right.
"Hide?" - If it's not directly in-front of him, whatever he's looking for is hiding.
"Shoe" - Parker is always keeping a running tally of who is & is not currently wearing shoes.
And the usual: Car, Bike, Bike, Bike, Ball, Milk, and Bike again (this guy has a one-track mind)

In the past few weeks, our super-duper sleeper has gone from super-duper: sleeping 12-13 hours at night and a 2-3 hour nap to just super with 11-12 hours at night and a 1 hour nap.  This may be a natural progression, but neither of us are all too happy about the change.

I probably should explain this binky - it was a gift from a friend of mine from college.  Parker has always been extremely particular about his binkies (he'll only use the Dr. Brown's brand), so he's never really used this one.  But, apparently, today the binky situation was so dire that he pulled his chair over to the dresser, opened the top drawer, and pulled this guy out of Mama's "secret" binky hiding space.  It's becomming harder to find places that he can't reach.

Parker has recently started enjoying coloring.  Mostly, what he likes is taking the pen cap off & on, he never gets more than 2-3 scribbles on the paper.

Parker is also obsessed with elbows.  Nearly every time I change his diaper, he grabs my hand and pulls down my arm until he can reach my "el-bo-bo".

Parker is growing & learning so quickly, he seems to have new words every day.  What he is not learning, however, is names.  We've been trying to teach him baby sister's name (don't ask, we won't tell you), and every time it comes out sounding like "Kyla".  In fact, all of Parker's cousins appear to be named Kyla, and it seems that his name is also Kyla, because that's the only name he seems able to remember.

That, or he thinks his name is "You".  Whenever I show him a picture of himself and ask who it is, he says "You".  Makes total sense, when you think of it.

Parker is equally determined to not learn his colors.  We read Richard Scary's "Cars & Trucks & Things that Go" probably five or six times a day.  After the first few rounds, looking for bikes & Goldbug, we start trying to find different color cars.  Every single car seems to be whatever color Mama mentioned last.  He can say all the color's names, but can't seem to attach any of them to the actual colors.  Guess it's good to have something still to learn.

He is one fun little guy and we are quite enjoying his company.  I'm a little nervous to see what sort of monster he turns into when baby sister comes, but for now, we're loving this time in his life.

1 comment:

  1. We keep Fi's binky stash in the freezer. She likes helping put them away and picking one out for bedtime or nap. I dread the day they "disappear." Fi doesn't have much interest in colors either. Everything is usually "white."

    Looking forward to seeing the cousins jabbering away at each other on Saturday. Hopefully, Fi won't be in a "no, no, no" mood.
