Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Parker's 2-year appointment

I took Parker in for his 2-year appointment today.
His stats:
Weight: 26.3lbs (43.6%)
Height: 32.5" (4.24%)
BMI: 17.5 (73.84%)
Head: 49
This was Parker's first time being weighed & measured as a big-kid.  He went into hysterics when we tried to stand him on the scale, which is funny since he plays with my scale every morning.  Then he went full-on ballistic when we tried to get him to stand up against the wall to get his height.
Did you notice Parker's height?  He's in the 4th percentile, 96% of all 2-year olds are taller than him.  So, apparently, the basketball scholarship is out.  The doctor didn't seem too concerned about it, but he did give the impression that Parker's probably not going to be especially tall.  Sorry kid.
Once we got over the trauma of standing on the scale, Parker did a great job.  He was pretty shy, but started talking near the end.  He spent most of the drive home saying "all done, bum" Yes, Parker, we are all done looking at your bum.  You'd think that the shot would be what stuck out in his mind, but not so much, I think he just likes to fit the word bum (or poo poo) into the conversation as much as possible.  He didn't exactly enjoy the shots, but he did a great job and had stopped crying by the time we had his clothes back on, and he very much enjoyed the lollipop (today I also learned that he's a chewer, not a licker, when it comes to hard candies).
We weighed Cecily today as well.  She is up to 8lbs, 7.5oz, that's 5oz up from last week.  But, we were hoping to be closer to 8lbs, 10oz, so we're back to trying to fatten up the baby.  I'm supposed to try & feed Cecily every 2-2.5 hours during the day, but at least I don't have to wake her up at night.  I pulled out the pump this afternoon and I'm back on the Fenugreek, Protein, & Oatmeal regimen.  I find it hard to believe that as someone who's been overweight my entire life, how exactly did I give birth to two light-weights?  Seriously, I still have 10 lbs of "baby weight" I'd more than gladly hand off to the actual baby.

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