Monday, August 6, 2012

May I introduce...

Cecily Anne Kruger

Born: Monday, August 6th, 2012 ~ 10:41pm
8lbs, 2oz ~ 20 inches long
Cecily was born at Northwest Hospital after three hours of labor and about five minutes of pushing.

She is perfect and beautiful, with dark hair and crazy long fingers & toes.

She already has Daddy wrapped around her little finger.

So far, Cecily is a super-duper eater, a faithful answer to the prayers of many, many friends and family.

So far, she seems pretty mellow like her brother, but it's still a little early to tell where her personality will end up.

Big Brother Parker is... well... uninterested at best.

Although he was pretty excited to point out that she has eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
Parker is spending the next few days with Grandma & Grandpa Kruger and will come home on Thursday.

Cecily's cousins, on the other hand, were pretty excited to meet her.  But they also knew they weren't taking her home with them.

We're loving this little bundle!

(And she is little, Parker now looks like a linebacker)


  1. Wonderful!!! Congratulations on a speedy and safe delivery, and a beautiful,healthy little girl! She's so precious!

  2. Congratulations! So excited for you guys!

  3. Love the family photo - it does look like you have your hands full:)
