Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Parker!

Can you believe that my baby boy is two already? Every day, this guy surprises me with what he can do or say. One of his current favorites is "of course", it seems to have replaced "yeah" as his go-to phrase, and it cracks me up every time.

Parker continues to be obsessed with bikes, he will point them out wherever we are, and he loves, Loves, LOVES riding his bike with Daddy.  Keith has taught him to cheer him on when they are riding up hills "Go Daddy, Go!"

Our little guy is getting so big so fast!  The other night, I went in to check on him before going to bed, I could have sworn the little guy could have been thirteen, he looked so grown up (except maybe for the footie jammies and sleeping perpendicular to the length of the bed).

Parker loves to help.  It takes a fair amount of attention on my part to keep him from wadding up all of Cecily's clean diapers and throwing them in the garbage.  He loves sweeping and giving Darcy his treats.
The past few weeks, Parker has been a little more "fragile" with "that intruder" joining our family, but overall, he loves being a big brother and giving baby "Sessie" kisses.

Parker has a running commentary going at all times, if the boy's awake, he's probably talking...about what he sees, about what he wants to see, you name it.

Every night, Daddy helps Parker into his jammies, reads him a story, and brushes his teeth.  Then, Parker comes to give me and "Sessie" a kiss.  I always ask him, "How much does Mama love you?" and he answers, "So much!" then "How much does Daddy love you?" "So much Daddy!"  We do the same routine at nap time, and I often walk down the hall listening to him say "So much, So much!" over & over until he falls asleep.
This morning, Parker opened the door for this first time by himself.  This is not a development I was looking forward to.

Parker is still working on his colors, so far he has Yellow & Pink consistently, and occasionally Blue & Green.  We'll get there slowly.
He's also learning to count, he knows one, two, and six, but not always in that order.  Two appears to still be his favorite number, so occasionally you can actually get him to tell you how old he is.
Our Church wasn't meeting normally this week, everyone is up on Whidby Island for family camp.  We had plans to go up there for the worship service this morning, but decided that spending hours in line for a ferry was no way to spend your 2nd birthday, so we skipped church and went to the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe.

Parker loved seeing the animals, and we watched the lumberjack competition.

Parker also loved watching the rides.  We went to the Puyallup fair (twice) last year, and I don't think he really cared either way about anything, this year he found the rides fascinating to watch.  We probably stood here watching the rides for about 10 minutes.

Cecily was about as excited as Parker was on his first trip to the fair.

Parker had a great time & was out-cold before we left the parking lot.

Happy Birthday little guy!  Your Mama & Daddy love you!

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