Sunday, February 26, 2012

18 Months!

Our boy is 18 months!

The essential data:
Height: 30.75 inches (6.13%)
Weight: 23 lb, 3oz (36.12% - woo hoo!  That's up from the 3rd percentile a year ago)
Head Circumference: 48.3

Parker was a super-trooper at his Dr's appointment this morning.  
He even got one shot and didn't even cry!

His height/weight comparison now explains why all his shirts barely fit over his belly and all his pants are 4 inches too long.

Parker continues to be the sweetest, happiest baby ever (except for those few days a week ago).  He loves to laugh and tickle and run everywhere.

Parker has been working on his vocabulary lately, he can say: Mommy, Daddy, Darcy, doggie, woof woof, yeah, no, binky, blankey, rub rub, cheese, crak-kah (cracker), cheese, appy (that's applesauce), shoe, socks, help, uh-oh, and a few more I can't think of at the moment.  He also knows the signs for please, thank you, more, and food (you'll notice that the majority of Parker's words revolve around food, that's no accident, this kid loves his food).

In the past few weeks, Parker has perfected the sign for "thank you":
He has also been working on blowing kisses, which looks notably similar to "thank you" with the addition of a kissing sound ("mmmMAH").  He tends to get the two confused, so often, when I ask him to say "thank you", I get a blown kiss instead.  More recently, when his hands are full, he has started to just say "mmmMAH" in-place of the "thank you" sign.  At least he's got the concept down anyway.

Parker's first word this morning, when I went to get him up was "Daddy!".  Just one word, but what he meant was, "Mama, it's Sunday, Daddy's supposed to come get me!"  This boy loves his weekends with Daddy!  Mama's a pretty big fan too.

Parker has recently discovered the swivel chair in the office.  He could spin on that thing all day!  I usually have to stop before he wants to because just watching him is making me sick!

He also has become addicted to his blankey.  Blankey now goes nearly everywhere with us, it's a constant struggle to keep blankey out of Parker's hand long enough for him to eat a meal!  I'm just glad that he chose something that we already have multiples of and I can always make more.  It's pretty cute to see him wad the thing up and give it a big hug, if it makes him happy, then that's fine by me.

Our boy loves his food.  I've still never found any food that he consistently rejects, except for Macaroni & Cheese.  He also greatly prefers to eat with grown-up utensils, that's a soup spoon he's using with his chili.  They say that kid's appetites tend to decrease around this age, Parker so far hasn't gotten the memo, there are days that he eats as much as I do.

Parker also loves drinking from a cup.  But his version of drinking more closely resembles drowning, so he's only allowed a drop at a time.

We are so grateful to have such a fantastic kid in our family.  He is constantly cracking us up with the new & crazy things he comes up with.

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