Wednesday, February 8, 2012

14 Weeks

As of Monday, I have officially entered my 2nd Trimester.  Which, according to the books, means that I woke up Tuesday morning feeling fabulous, full of energy, and without a moment of nausea.  The books would be wrong.  Although I've had a few mornings without outright nausea, even when I'm feeling sorta-okay, it's still always a cloud over my day.  But I hold out great hope that very soon I will start feeling better.  Granted, I've been saying that for the past three weeks, but eventually (I hope) I will say that and it will actually be true.

In the meantime, the baby is continuing to grow, and I'm kind of starting to show.  In reality, what I'm really showing is the extra three inches of belly fat that Parker left behind, but the Dr assures me that underneath that the baby is actually growing.  All my clothes are still fitting at the moment (at least all the ones that still fit post-Parker), but I might start wearing my maternity tops soon just so it's clear that I am pregnant, rather than just chubby.

Okay, enough about me, how about a cute photo of Parker?

He still has no idea what changes are around the corner for him.  At the moment, he just doesn't understand why we never leave the house anymore.

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