Monday, February 13, 2012

15 Weeks!

(I'll spare you the photo of my face this week, it's best for everyone)

I had my 15 week appointment this morning, everything's going great.  I got to hear the baby's heartbeat, eventually.  This baby's a mover and refused to stay still for any period of time, making the nurse's job a little harder than necessary.

I'm still fighting the fatigue and nausea, although things are starting to get a little bit better.  At this point in my pregnancy I seem to have two kinds of days: either I feel crummy all day, or I feel really good in the morning and really, really crummy all afternoon/evening.  Unfortunately, the good mornings tend to be accompanied by an energy burst right when I put Parker down for his nap, usually leading me to skip my own nap, in-turn causing the really crummy afternoon.  You'd think I'd learn, but my desire to do SOMETHING productive seems to win-out every time.  Seeing how I'm blogging at 1:30 in the afternoon, this does not bode well for this evening.

Lest you think I've forgotten about Parker, I have one he'll-kill-me-for-this-when-he's-older story.  I don't usually share this kind of stuff, but I thought it was pretty entertaining (and I'm never going to get around to a baby book, so this is all I've got).  We're not really potty-training Parker at this point, but we do sit him on the potty several times a day.  When we started, Parker was quite often successful at using the potty, but lately, no matter what I do, he refuses to sit still long enough to do anything.  It drives me crazy, I'll sit on the floor with Parker, reading him books, feeding him crackers, and tricking the dog into coming into the bathroom so Parker can pet him on the potty, all to no avail.  Keith however, plunks Parker down on the potty, then walks away, and Parker goes nearly every time.  So, today, I tried it Keith's way.  To my surprise, I came back a few minutes later and Parker had successfully used the potty...and then proceeded to stand up and pee allover the bathroom floor.  Whatever, I'll take what I can get.

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