Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Where did this kid come from!?!?

Parker has been SUPER cranky lately.  I think he's teething, but I think he's also confused why Daddy's gone, after being home three days over the weekend.  The past two days have been a series of raising his arms to be held, then kicking me in the stomach because he wants down, followed by raised arms again.  All to a soundtrack of hysterical screaming.  I'm not sure what's setting him off; but this morning, I hit my head on the car door, and he started screaming.  It's just been one of those days.

So, yesterday afternoon, Parker was fussy and in exasperation I asked him, "Can you PLEASE just point to what you want?!?  I'll give you (almost) whatever you want if I just knew what it was!"

What did my little guy want?  Bran Flakes.
I gave him a little cup of them, he politely sat on the floor and proceeded to happily eat the entire cup.

The second cup ended up on the floor, of course, but he ate them off the floor as well.
These pictures are from yesterday, but he did the same thing again today.

We have goldfish, cheese, and animal crackers, and you're going for the Bran Flakes?  What a weird kid.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, this all sounds so familiar. Sarah hasn't been particularly cranky lately, but all too often she'll get in that whiny pointing mood where I have to say, "just show me what you want!" And often what she wants is the last thing I expected.

    Incidentally, your kid loves Bran Flakes -- mine can't get enough Grape Nuts. Must be a Hamilton thing. :)
