Thursday, January 26, 2012

17 Months!

Our little guy is 17 months today!  I can't believe it, he's growing so fast.

Some fun things about Parker at this point:

After months & months of training with Daddy, Parker has finally mastered the "fist bump".  Daddy is about ready to bust open in pride.

Parker currently has 10-ish teeth.  He's still working on that 10th one, and he's not always so willing to let Mama stick her finger in his mouth to check the progress (not that he has any trouble putting his fingers in Mama's mouth).  He has six teeth in front and four(-ish) molars.

Parker has recently taken to running around the house saying: "Appy, appy, appy!", and making a hand signal vaguely similar to the sign for happy.  I can't tell if he's actually happy (seems like a high concept for a 17-month old), or if he just likes the sound, or possibly he wants apple sauce.

Parker has also recently learned the sign for "thank you", and even uses it in context, occasionally without prompting.  We're still working on "please" but it's coming.  I have a feeling it will be a long time before he actually says either of these.

For months, I've been so frustrated since Parker runs around all day saying "Daddy, daddy, daddy" with nary a "Mama", until Daddy actually gets home and then all he wants is "Mamamamamamamama!"  But recently, when his cry changed from "Daddy, daddy, daddy" to "daddy, daddy, woof woof", I realized, he's actually been saying "doggie", not Daddy.  Sad blow to the ego for Keith, but it made me feel better.  Now, he'll answer "Woof woof" when you ask him what a Doggie says.

Parker loves putting things in and taking things out.  He has taken over our rolling kitchen cart.  He spends most of his time emptying out the contents of the cart (onto the floor), and then emptying the contents of the Tupperware drawer into the rolling cart.  I think I might have to just accept this & re-organize the kitchen for the time being.

We are half-heartedly trying to wean Parker off the binky.  This means we (theoretically) restrict binky access to bedtime.  Which is why you occasionally see Parker with binky in-mouth, and jammies trailing along after.

We are starting to see signs of the rebellious 2-year-old inside.  Our ever-agreeable baby that used to answer every question with and enthusiastic "Yeah", now answers every question with "No" (even as he stuffs his mouth with the food he just said no to).

What a fun little guy, we are so enjoying this stage in Parker's life, and looking forward to seeing what he does & learns next.

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