Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A day in the life - at 9 weeks

In the past, I’ve seen some people do “a day in the life” posts about what their typical stay-at-home-Mom days look like.  Often they start around 6:30am with their quiet time and end about 11:30pm as they finish their crafty project they started the day before.  Personally, I think they’re possibly exaggerating, just a little bit.  So, in the interest of truth-in-reporting, here’s my typical day as a 9-week pregnant stay-at-home-Mom:

6:30-ish – Keith leaves for work, I wake up enough to mumble something about having a good day, then roll over and back to sleep.
9:00 – Parker (and so therefore, I) wake up and get out of bed.  Normally, Parker wakes up closer to 7:30 or 8, but this late-sleeping Parker has been God’s provision to get me through these nasty 1st trimester weeks.  I know it’s just for my benefit, since he still wakes up at 7:30 on the weekends when Daddy’s in-charge.
10:00 – After breakfast, Parker & I head off to the gym.  Technically, I’m not supposed to go, Dr. Joki has me on a fairly strict no-exercise regimen at the moment due to a little bleeding scare a few weeks ago.  But, Parker needs to get out of the house, and I need to spend an hour sitting on the bike & watching Martha Stewart (and taking a shower), so I think it’s okay.
11:30 – We get home from the gym, and it’s time for lunch.  Parker eats whatever left-overs I can find in the house, and I eat a tuna sandwich or chicken & rice soup.  They are the only things that sound good, unfortunately, I’m only allowed tuna twice a week, so it’s a lot of chicken & rice.
Noon-ish – Parker goes down for a nap.
Noon:05-ish – Mama goes down for a nap.
2:00 – Parker gets up from his nap, dragging his Mama with him.
2:00-4:30 – Parker tears the house apart, while I lay on the floor watching, but unable to do anything about it.
4:30 – Parker starts to get really cranky, and Mama decides it’s time for another nap.  This late-afternoon nap is certainly not part of our normal routine, however he’s done it 4 out of the last 5 days, so what do I know about routine.  This is yet another pregnancy blessing, since I’m about ready to die at this point.
5:45 – Daddy gets home and the whole house wakes up from it’s nap.  From here on out, Keith’s in-charge and I lay on the couch doing absolutely nothing until it’s time to go to bed (around 9, it would be earlier, but it’s too much effort to crawl to the bedroom).

So, there you have it, a (truthful) day in my life.

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