Monday, January 23, 2012

I feel like I should apologize…

I’m sorry I skipped your Christmas party.
I’m sorry I forgot your birthday.
I’m sorry I skipped your open-house and left your New Year’s party before it was dark out.
Sorry that when you come to our door, you have to navigate a pathway through all of Parker’s earthly belongings because I don’t have the energy to: 1. pick them up or 2. keep Parker from throwing them down the stairs in the first place.
I’m sorry we’ve had to re-schedule your birthday dinner…twice.
Sorry I haven’t cleaned the house since Thanksgiving.
Or cooked anything since, well, Thanksgiving.
I’m sorry I was a total Grinch the entire month of December.
I'm sorry we didn't do a SINGLE thing on Parker's advent calendar.
I’m sorry I called you in a panic to watch Parker (right now!) for a last-minute Dr’s appt with no explanation until now.
If I didn’t seem very excited about your cute-kid story, I apologize.
If I left the dinner table mid-meal and in the middle of a conversation, my apologies.
I apologize that your kid’s Christmas present is still half-finished, but if it makes you feel better, Parker’s aren’t even started.
I’m sorry we had a snow week last week and I couldn’t drink cocoa by the fire since I have an aversion to milk and hot liquids.
I’m sorry I’ve been a truly lousy Mama and we’ve barely made it out of the house for weeks.
I can’t even remember the last time I went to the grocery store…sorry.
Really, I'm just generally sorry... 

BUT, I have a good excuse:

This little monster has been making it’s Mama pretty darn miserable.  But now I’m 12-weeks along, and every day brings a new hope for the start of that miraculous 2nd trimester (it hasn’t happened yet, but they promise it will…eventually).  Today, I got to see the baby wiggling, hiccuping, waving it's hands, and generally moving the opposite direction of where the Ultrasound Technician would have liked.

So, the details: According to today's ultrasound Baby Kruger #2 is due August 5th.  According to the ultrasound three weeks ago, it's due the 6th, we're going with that date.  That would be 3 weeks before Parker’s 2nd birthday.  But, assuming this baby is as eager as it’s older brother to be born, I’m expecting their birthdays to be more like 1-2 weeks apart.  You know what this means…joint pool parties for every birthday!  Seriously, couldn’t have planned it better.  Although it does also mean that Parker’s 2nd birthday party will probably be quite a bit more mellow than his first, we’ll make up for it next year.

We’re really hoping for a girl this time, but a boy would be totally awesome as well since, well, Parker’s pretty darn awesome, and we’d save a lot more money on clothes and other girly-stuff.  As I told Keith, I'm hoping for a girl, but if it's a boy I will be much, much less disappointed than I was the first time (and a little relieved).  But we'll have to wait & see.

We're both really excited for this new little addition, but we'll be even more excited in a few weeks when I start to feel better.  Parker, however, has no idea what he's in for.


  1. Hey that's cool! I'm due aug 27th! Tyson and Kaiya's birthday's are 3 weeks apart and we've done theirs as joint birthdays which has been fun..I hope you start feeling better sooner than later...ugh. Congratulations!! -Tenisha

  2. Congratulations! Your 2nd baby will be about 2 months behind my first. That 1st trimester can be rough, can't it? I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Pregnancy is pretty awesome! (I can't testify to babies, yet... :::smile:::) Congratulations, again!!!

  3. Congratulations! I almost called you on your "absentee issues" last month (suspecting baby #2), but decided to wait for an announcement! And here it is! Here's to better weeks ahead! If you need a sleep break, bring P by as we'd love to play!

  4. Aargh!! Yay!! There must be something in the water, we are due August 2nd :)

  5. Congratulations - so happy for you guys!
