Thursday, March 1, 2012

Finger painting

I read a fair amount of other Mom's blogs, and it seems like everyone else is doing all sorts of activities and projects to keep their kids involved and learning.  Most of the time I read those and think, "Man, I'm happy if he just gets three meals and a nap every day."  (In my defense, all their kids are much older than Parker, if that makes me feel better).  Anyway, this week, I thought we'd try out hand at finger painting.  Parker enjoys making patterns in his food, so I thought, why not try paint?

It went...okay.  Parker might like playing with his food, but he usually only does that after he's eaten some of it.  He didn't really understand that finger painting doesn't first start with tasting each color (thankfully it's non-toxic).

It took a lot of encouragement, but he did spend a little time painting.  I would say, however, that I spent more than twice the time on set-up & clean-up than we did on playing.

I think this will be a great summertime activity where I can put him down in the grass with a giant piece of paper & let him go crazy.  I think he found the high chair a little confining (which was the point, Mama's not stupid).

I think there might be more paint on his hands & belly than the paper, but I think he had fun.

And, of course, his favorite part was the bath afterwards.

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