Friday, December 2, 2011

It's positive!

You know how when you’re trying to get pregnant (or even when you’re not) you can convince yourself EVERY month that you must be pregnant, until you’re proven wrong?  This was not one of those months.  I was absolutely, positively, 100% certain that I was not pregnant.  The only reason I took the test was that I’d hurt my back the previous day and I wanted to have proof that I could drug myself into a stupor without feeling guilty.  I felt stupid taking the test (these things cost $8 each, couldn’t I wait a few days and find out without the test?!?!), but my back wasn’t interested in the wait-and-see approach, so take the test I did.  Imagine my surprise when I came back 10 minutes later (10 minutes!?! see, I really, really thought it would be negative) and saw the little blue “+”.

Then I had to wait until Keith got home to tell him.  This also was the day that Denise took Parker so I could rest my back, so I didn’t even have him to distract me.  (this also means that by the end of the day, either Keith or I had seen about half the members of his family without sharing our news.)

I’m not real good at withholding good news, but I think I did manage to hold it in until Keith had at least been in the house for a few minutes.  I had to explain to him why I wasn’t in a drugged stupor on the couch anyway!

Although I didn’t notice any symptoms prior to taking the test, I do feel like I’m starting to get a few now (the mind is a strong force).  That afternoon I did start feeling a little nauseas, but I think it was mostly just nausea thinking about how the next few months are going to feel, not looking forward to that part.  …but it could have also been the back pain. 

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