Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Today's Project ~ Cecily's birthday gifts

This year I decided to make Cecily a quilt for her birthday.  Every time I get one of these half-baked ideas, I get about 3/4's of the way through and ask myself "what exactly was I thinking?!?!"

For this one, it went something like this:
Poor Cecily, she doesn't have any quilts of her own, she's sleeping with Parker's old baby blanket, I should make her a quilt.
I'll just get some purple fabric & some soft minky and make a simple blanket.
...hey, I've been wanting to try out my new hemming & ruffling presser feet, I should add a few ruffles to the quilt.
...maybe I could do every other row ruffles.
...or maybe, I should cover the whole thing with ruffles, that would be so cute.  (note to future-self: it is never a good idea to cover anything with ruffles, don't even think of it, you'll only end up frustrated and angry and throwing both machines out the window)

So, the final result is FAR from perfect, and about 6" narrower than I'd hoped, but Cecily sure seems to like it.  (If you're wondering, the quilt is 50" long and it took FIVE YARDS of fabric to make all those ruffles.

And the ruffles do seem to cover a multitude of sins, maybe my Mom was right and I should wear more ruffles too...although I'm finally married so I'm not sure she'd care either way.  ..whoa, sorry, just went down a rabbit trail that only my sister will appreciate.

Anyway, the quilt did turn out pretty adorable.

And if you're looking for adorable, check out the gift that Keith made for her:

Baby doll's crib got a quilt too:

Every time we go to the toy store or someone else's house, Cecily goes straight for the doll stroller, so I thought she'd love one for her baby.  I found one in our "buy nothing" group that just needed a little repair on the seat.

I had some extra fabric from the quilt fiasco, so with a little fabric & a touch of spray paint, she's got a whole new stroller:

While I was at Fred Meyer the other day, I saw that they had their hoodies buy one get one free, so I decided to pick up a few and make new dinosaur hoodies for the kids.

For Parker: 

And Cecily: 

At $7 each and tons of colors to choose from, I'm considering stocking up and giving dinosaur hoodies for all Christmas and birthday gifts for the next year!

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