Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy Birthday Parker!

This little guy is four already!

We celebrated Parker's 4th birthday with chocolate chip waffles and a trip to the Children's Museum in Everett.

Parker continues to be a crazy little guy.  He loves to sing and dance and be silly, as well as throw balls and play with his Mama.  I think he will always & forever be a Mama's boy, he's perfectly capable of playing by himself, but it's always more fun if he can play-by-myself-with-Mama, right?  Parker gave up naps last year and a year later, we're still struggling to get him to take a quiet time in the afternoon.  But I think this is mostly due to Mama's lack of discipline, rather than Parker's.  He has learned to love the books that come with CD's and will often sit through several stories in a row which gives me a little peace in the day.

Parker starts his 2nd year of PreSchool next week, he is SO EXCITED.  He also went to VBS for the first time this summer and is constantly asking when he can go back to "BBS".  Parker will be doing afternoon preschool again this year, but three days a week, giving his Mama 6 glorious hours of free time (assuming Cecily sleeps, of course).

Parker still loves fire trucks, pirates, and dinosaurs, although, cousin Wesley is introducing him to the wide world of superheros, so they are quickly becoming a favorite.  He just inherited Wesley's old "big training wheel bike", which he loves, although he doesn't make the slightest attempt to balance on the bike.  Someday he'll learn, right?

Parker is a super-loving big brother and he loves to play with Cecily.  Cecily loves to play with Parker too, until she wants whatever he has at which point she usually starts biting.

This summer Parker has loved playing in the wading pool and the slip & slide almost every day.

I can't believe our tiny baby boy is already four and will be heading off to Kindergarten in just one year!  Time is going so fast!

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