Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My Baby is TWO!

I can't believe it, my baby girl is two!

Cecily has come a long way from the tiny, screaming monster she was two years ago.  Although she continues to be extremely stubborn and opinionated, when she's not angry she is an extremely happy kid.  Cecily loves to play with her big brother, and she's even made peace with her Daddy.  She seems to have forgiven Keith for not being Mama and now "Daddy Dinosaur" is well on his way to becoming her favorite parent.

Some funny things Cecily says:
"Daddy Dinosaur" - This came from a game Parker & Keith were playing a few weeks ago, Cecily didn't even like the game but she now calls Keith "Daddy Dinosaur" about 80%  of the time.
"1,2,3,4,5" - She LOVES to count, I've even heard her get to 10 on occasion.  I'm not saying she has the slightest idea how to actually count, but she does like to say the words
"Eyes" - This means she wants to wash her hands, recently this has evolved to "wash-a eyes"
"The green one" - Which translates to "the other one", she's been saying this for months, in the past week, she's also started saying "the blue one", I'm not sure if blue is just replacing green, of it really means the "other, other one"
"Right now" - if she wants anything, she almost always ends the request with "right now".  Not my favorite of her sayings

Cecily still has the most adorable, tiny voice, just about anything she says is adorable, even when she's demanding "ice cream, right now".  (adorable yes, acceptable no)  But her tiny "tank you" is still my favorite.

Cecily loves kitties, she spends much of her days pretending to be a baby kitty cat crawling around and meowing.  I find this especially amusing since she hardly ever crawled when she was a baby.

Cecily loves babies, she also enjoys pretending to be a baby.  Often, at the end of a meal, she will cradle her milk cup and "rockaby baby" her cup.
At bedtime, her current routine involves us holding her cradle-style and singing "Rock-a-bye-baby" to her (without irony) before she will settle down & sleep.

Her current favorite game is ring-around-the-rosies, which she is constantly asking Parker to play with her.  Talk about melting a Mama's heart watching my two babies holding hands and spinning in a circle, so cute.

It's been pretty crazy around this house the past two years, and I don't expect things to slow down any over the next decade; this girl will always keep us on her toes, but I can't imagine life without her.
Happy Birthday baby girl, we love you!

1 comment:

  1. One cute kid! Especially with the ever-present pigtails.
