Friday, August 22, 2014

Dining Room Re-Do ~ Walls & China Hutch

 Installment #2 of the worlds-longest-dining-room-remodel has finally been completed.
Parker was signed up for sports camp at the Y last week, so I sent Cecily to Grandma's house Monday & Tuesday so I could have some time to work on the dining room & the china hutch.  I wasn't really even painting the room so much as creating a coordinating backdrop for the "new" china hutch, I didn't re-paint the white parts or the ceiling, and I think I might have painted over a little of the food stuck to the wall.  The plan was to paint the walls really quickly with the grey that was left-over from Cecily's bedroom.  Unfortunately, I'd grossly over-estimated how much paint we had left over, we actually had exactly this much:

But, after two trips to Home Depot, the walls were done:

I then spent the next two or three days re-doing the china hutch.  I toyed with the idea of using oil paint to make the finish stronger, I'm kind of wishing I'd gone with it, but hopefully the finish will still hold up to our daily battery. least as long as I still like the color anyway.

I was planning to buy new finishes, but decided to try just spray-painting everything silver.  It looks pretty good, but the paint isn't too strong, so we'll see how it lasts.

The end result: 

I'm really happy with it.  Of course, this is the tidiest you'll ever see it since there is no food anywhere and all the china is still in boxes in the basement.  So, enjoy this look while it lasts, at some point we'll have to start using the room again!

Before (September):

Middle Before (January):


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