Monday, August 26, 2013

Three Years

My boy turned three today.  I can't believe it.
When I have a few more minutes to myself (like when he goes off to college), I'll put up a longer post with photos and updates on why he's such an awesome little guy.  But, in the meantime, here are a few more Parker-isms and funny sayings I've been collecting:

"We go to See My Kids" - Kid's Museum - Keith took Parker to the Kid's museum several months ago, he still talks about going to se-muh-kids.
"Stay awake little gir-ril" - This is what he says to Cecily whenever she starts to doze off in the car.
Uncle Donald "had a farm..."
A, B, C, D, E, Q, R, KH (pronounced kay-tch), I, J, Z, Y, P

"Is kind of itchy" -  This is used to describe things that are actually itchy (clothes, fabrics, etc), but also other random items like foods and ideas.

"I need music cause I working. "

"Mama, can you talk to me?" - What do you think I'm doing all day little boy?
Mama: Would you like it in your tea cup?
Parker: No just in my coffee cup.

"I love you, I love me"

"I need a chainsaw and a ladder, I-na chop the tree down." - ever since our neighbor chopped down the tree in our back yard, he's obsessed with chopping down trees.

I realize that this is a normal thing for his age.  But what cracks me up/drives me crazy is the compound-why: "Mama, why we go to the Doctor so Cecily can have her appointment?"  "Why I take off my jammies so you can cut my toenails?"  Seriously child?
"Mama, watch this" - Generally followed with something as earth-shattering as eating a grape or taking a sip of milk.

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