Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Nap time, why have you abandoned me when I need you most?

Parker still has not napped since we got rid of the binky 2+ weeks ago.  I've pretty much given up on hoping he'll sleep and now I'm just trying to get him to stay quietly in his room for a while in the afternoons.
Yesterday, I thought he might like having a count-down clock in his room so he could see how time was progressing.  I downloaded a count-down clock for the tablet & put it up high on a shelf in his bedroom.  After telling him not to touch the computer, I left the screaming boy in his room.  As always, he screamed for about 10 minutes and then eventually quieted down.  So quiet that I thought he might have actually fallen asleep.  No such luck, when I came to let him out, I found him (naked) on the floor playing with the computer.  I wasn't too surprised, but if I'd wanted him to spend an hour staring at the computer, I could have just turned a movie on.
Today, after protesting quiet time for a while, Parker said he wanted to play with stamps.  Fully aware that I was trading a huge mess for an hour of peace, I gave Parker some stamps and paper & left him in his room.  Twenty minutes later, this little guy came downstairs to find me:

He had jammies on when I left him.  Why he insists on wearing jammies when he's planning to take them off immediately, I don't know.

Amazingly, most of the ink landed on the paper or Parker.  Fortunately, both the ink and the boy are washable.

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