Monday, December 31, 2012

So long 2012...don't let the door hit you on your way out.

When I was working on our Christmas letter, I was tempted to sum it up as:
This year wasn't our favorite, but now we have a beautiful family and we're ready to move on.

Early last December we found out we had a baby on the way (right after I hurt my back).
A week later, I was so sick I spent my days laying on the floor (I so wish I was exaggerating).
By mid-January, I'd graduated to lying on the couch.
By March I'd improved to sitting on the couch, and by June, I was actually able to stand without nausea.
Just in-time to get really (really) big.
A few months later, I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, who came out screaming and didn't stop for four months.  ...actually, that might have been me at first, but she made up for it later.
Keith's job was expanding and he's working 50 hour weeks and stressed out to the point of implosion.
Parker is two (enough said).
And did I mention that we have rats?  Lovely.
Now, don't get me wrong, there are far greater tragedies in the world than morning sickness and having too much work.  But, perspective aside, we're none too sad to see this year go & move onto the next one.
And, there have been some bright spots:
We have a healthy, beautiful baby girl.  Who is now a happy baby girl, thanks to the wonders of modern medicine.
Keith's job is secure and provides well for our growing family.
Parker is the sweetest, funniest little guy on the planet.
We have some amazing friends & family who stepped up to help when I was useless.
We have celebrated six amazing years of marriage.
And we even got to go on a vacation with just the two (or 2 1/2) of us.
So, no question, it is a charmed life we live and I am eternally grateful for it.
...I'm just happy to live it in a new year.



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