Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Helping Daddy

This year for Christmas, I made most of the cousins height marker rulers for their bedrooms.  Each one was different, and if I'd been on-top of things, I would have taken a picture of each of them.  As it is, the only reason they all managed to get done at all was because Keith took that week off after Thanksgiving.  ...but I digress.
I made our two rulers as well, Parker was helping Keith put his up in Parker's room.

Hammer, hammer, hammer.
What a great helper.

Cecily was clearly excited about it too.

Double-checking Daddy's (and my) measurement.

And now a list of a few things we also did this week which never saw the camera:
We put a similar ruler up in Cecily's room
Keith & I went to Daniel's Broiler for dinner on the 26th and were successful in our goal of spending all of the $250 on our gift cards.
We went up to the Need's cabin Thursday morning.  We spent the afternoon with my parents & Jared, and then the Needs came up friday afternoon.  There was very little sleeping involved for anyone, but it was a great visit.
It's been a great, busy, crazy Christmas Week.  Parker has LOVED seeing all his cousins and all the Christmas decorations.  Now, the tree is down, the lights are off, and I'm not looking forward to Keith going back to work on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Boo for hubbys returning to work, feeling the same gloomy cloud looming thinking about Jeremy going back too. We should get coffee sometime. The bridge had a play area now in a room with a door that closes.
