Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Bib

Parker received this bib from some friends:

It's great, except for two things:
1. It's WAY too big, we have to roll the sleeves up twice just to find his hands.  Now, this wouldn't be such a big deal (he'll grow eventually, right), except that we can't get the collar tight enough around his neck.  So he's using the area between the bib collar and his shirt collar as a staging area for his future courses.  Not so great for keeping his clothes clean.
2. It's not waterproof.  This might not be an issue if we're just trying to catch errant bits of food that don't make it to the mouth on the first try.  But, if your goal seems to be a full-body raspberry scrub, waterproofing is important.

So, inspired by the Ikea bib, I made Parker a new bib:

Of course, in my eagerness to make it smaller, I forgot to include seam allowances, so it ended up notably smaller than I'd intended.

But, with a few alterations, I'm sure I'll be able to get Parker's hands through without tears next time.

That aside, the bib seems to work  pretty well.

I have enough fabric left to make one more front, I might try making the back out of a lighter-weight fabric so it doesn't feel so much like an 80's Pleather jacket.

1 comment:

  1. A full-body bib would have been nice for Joshua and Nora. Yours looks good!
