Sunday, June 26, 2011

10 Months!

Parker is 10 months old!  We're getting closer & closer to the one-year mark!

Parker continues to be such a joy to be around.  He is almost always smiling & laughing, and we still have random strangers telling us how much they love his hair.

Parker is sleeping like a champ, still taking 2 (or sometimes three) naps in a day, and barely able to stay awake until bedtime.

Parker currently has only one tooth, but I'm convinced that we have one (or more) that are just about to erupt. 

He loves food, and is totally proficient at feeding himself (although I wouldn't be surprised if Darcy has gained a little weight in the past month as well).

Parker is still this close to crawling, but for the moment, he seems content to scoot wherever he wants.  It seems like a lot of work (not to mention very dirty) to drag his tummy across the carpet, but it seems to be working for him.  He's also learning to hold onto furniture & stand up.  He's pulled himself up to standing once or twice, but it's not a frequent occurrence yet.

Parker has become a huge talker in the past few weeks.  When he's awake, he's almost always babbling about something, his current favorite words are: Dadadada, Bwahwahwah, and Gagaga (he also has a fairly impressive ear-piercing shriek).  Keith is convinced that he learned Dada just in-time for Father's Day.

He still loves to put anything & everything into his mouth.

Like many parents, we've been trying to teach Parker a little sign language, so we can have some idea of what is going on in his little brain.  So far, he really only has two signs that he uses (neither of which are actual signs).  His first one is holding his arms out & rotating his hands, if we ever figure out what this one means, life will be much easier for everyone involved.  So far, all we know is that it means "I want something", but that something seems to vary with his mood (food, no food, more, all-done, who knows?).

This is his second sign, and we do know that it means: "I'm done, pick me"

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