Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It's true...I'm a genius.

Last summer, Keith built me a wonderful clothes line along the back of the our yard.  I'm super excited to start using it again as the sun is starting to show up on occasion.  The only part I don't like is all the bending over & running back & forth to get laundry & clothes pins out of the basket on the ground.  I've been mentally sketching several ideas for some sort of cart Keith could make me to hold my basket & pins.  Then, today, I came up with this brilliant idea:

It works great!  Parker's pretty much outgrown this stroller (mentally, if not actually physically), so it's a great use for it.

Unfortunately, about 10 minutes after taking this photo, our neighbor decided to start weeding his back yard with a backhoe*, so I had to take down the clean laundry & dry it in the dryer before it became un-clean again.  But, now I know that Parker's stroller has a capacity of 2-loads of not-dry laundry.

*Okay, I'm exaggerating, it wasn't a backhoe, it was one of these thingies:

1 comment:

  1. Ok, now that's funny! I hate shoving the basket along with my foot as well. Never thought of a cart. I more dream of the pully-style lines like at Grandma Hamilton's house.
