Monday, May 23, 2011

This weekend's project ~ Everything

This weekend Keith's parents came up and helped us install our driveway gate.  You remember the gate, right, Keith started it here?

Over three months later, we (and by that I mean Keith & his Dad) have completed the gate.  Keith & Gary worked all day digging post holes & getting the contraption square, but it's in now & we're very excited to have it completed.

In one of those ironic twists, we nearly lost Darcy in the process.  While they were working, Darcy got out of the front yard and was gone for about a half-hour, but he did come back.

Keith's Mom watched Parker so I could work in the yard, and while Parker was sleeping, she helped me with the weeding.  I can't believe how much easier it is with two people!  Keith, for all his wonderful traits (and there are many), will NOT pull weeds to save his life.  It would have taken me weeks of nap times to get the work done that Joanne & I did in one day.

The completed project:

It's probably not 100% square or perfectly balanced, and Keith might be adjusting it for the rest of our lives, but it should do a fantastic job of keeping the little ones inside where they belong.

Huge thanks to Grandma & Grandpa for their help!!


  1. Um, sis, I want my parents back. I got half of one bucket filled with weeds over 3 days in the yard.

  2. Oh, and what's more, Wesley spends his time in the yard thowing balls over the wall and saying "da, da, DA, ma DA, MA DA!!!!" until you get it for him, throw it far enough away from him that it will hopefully take him two minutes before he throws it again. Over the wall. Augh! The weeds and the baby are winning!!
