Thursday, May 26, 2011

9 Months!

Our little guy is nine-months old today!  I can't believe it, he's growing so fast.

Parker now has one tooth, and if the fussing and drool are any indicator (which I'm doubting), we'll have a second one any day now.

Some fun things about Parker:

Every time we meet someone, their first comment is one of two things:
1. I LOVE his hair!  ~or~
2. What a happy baby!

Seriously, he's just about the cutest thing out there, I'm sure I'm biased, but it does seem like the rest of the world agrees with me.  (and I can't tell you how many people I've had ask me if I styled his hair that way.  Who styles their 9-month-old's hair!?!?)

The Doctor said we should be trying to introduce Parker to more "table foods" rather than just baby food.  So, yesterday, Parker tried cheese cubes, cut strawberries, and avocado chunks.  So far, he'll eat the chunks for a while, but then I think he finds it too much work and just waits with a gaping-open mouth for Mama to feed him.

In this picture, he refused to eat the strawberry pieces I gave him, but he was perfectly willing to gnaw on the strawberry that I had been eating before he snatched it from me.

We tried pasta last night, Parker would pick up the pasta and drop it on the floor to get it out of his way so he could reach the vegetables on his tray (weird kid).  He even ate the onions, even though I put them on his tray saying, "Here, Parker, try onions, they're yucky."

He's sitting like a champ, and (still) SO close to crawling.  Although, he can creep around pretty effectively, so maybe he doesn't yet see the need for crawling.  He's also started pulling himself up onto his knees when sufficiently motivated (note: to-show-Daddy apparently is insufficient motivation).

Parker's favorite word is: Mama.  Well, okay, actually it sounds closer to mmmmMAmaMa, but I answer to it nonetheless.  His other favorites are bbbBababa and rrrahrahrah.

Parker hasn't yet learned how to blow a raspberry correctly, but he's always working on it, so he's almost always making a little puffing sound, sort of like a sound-less whistle.

Ever since the one night we let him "cry it out", Parker has been sleeping like a champ, most nights sleeping about 10 hours.  This is WONDERFUL!

Parker is moving into a clingy phase at the moment.  It's a little annoying (and hard on my back) since I can hardly ever put him down, but it's also so cute.  Who can resist a boy who just wants to cuddle with Mama?

Parker loves playing with/chasing Darcy.  This afternoon, Parker was trying to play fetch with Darcy.  He was waving Darcy's bone around in the air, I expect this will go better when Parker learns how to throw.  Darcy is remarkably patient with this little monster that keeps stealing his toys.

Some of Parker's other favorite things:
Bedtime with Daddy
Singing/talking in the car
Eating (anything)
Chewing on everything
Pulling on Mama's hair
And he's even coming around on liking baths, but only with Daddy, he still screams when I give him a bath.

We love our little baby boy!
9 months
Weight: 16lbs, 11oz


  1. We still use the "you won't like it" around here to get kids to try stuff. Occasionally it works.

    Your kid is a shrimp! LOL Joshua was 19 pounds 9 ounces, Nora was 20 pounds 15 ounces. Seems like yesterday. Can't believe Nora starts Kindergarten next year. I'm old.

  2. Yay, Parker is growing! Sarah was 18 lb 3 oz at her 9-month check-up, so he's not that far behind. He must be gaining percentage points each day -- it's all that yummy food. :) And, I'm sooo glad he's sleeping better now!

    Sarah likes onions too. Of course, I've come around and love them now, so I offer them to her enthusiastically.

  3. He is absolutely adorable (almost as cute as Mabel at that age:))! And the happiest boy ever. What a joy!

    Our boy is only 17 lbs, so we are feeding him peanut butter every day for breakfast. I sure it hope it pays off at the next doctor's appointment. It is so stressful trying to put some meat on his bones.
