Thursday, September 9, 2010

Two weeks old!

I can't believe it's only been two weeks since he was born.  In many ways I feel like it's been months already.  I keep hoping for more progress, like feeding without the assistance of a machine, or fitting back into my old pants.  But looking back, we have progressed a lot so far.  Parker is growing steadily, and he's already sleeping longer at night.  He hates getting dressed, loves being snuggled, and I can fit into my pants, I just can't zip them.

We/ve survived Keith's first few days back at work.  I'm working on learning to accept that I will get to the end of the day and have nothing productive to show for it except a still-hungry and still-dirty baby.  Today's big accomplishment, I folded the laundry, but didn't get around to bringing it back upstairs.  Maybe tomorrow I'll try to empty the dishwasher.

1 comment:

  1. Why empty it? Just take the clean dishes out & use them. Eventually it will be empty and you can just fill it up again. :)

    It gets easier eventually.
