Monday, August 2, 2010

I did it myself!

Part I:
My toenails have been the topic of much discussion lately.  Mostly because up until yesterday they were bright orange, but also because I'm pregnant.  Nearly every exclamation on the color was quickly followed-up with the question, "did you do it yourself?"  Now, that's a silly question, of course not, I haven't painted my own toenails in years (okay, that's an exaggeration, but not by much).

Although I generally have the ability to paint my own nails, I seldom have the inclination, and the ladies at the shop do a much better job, while also scrubbing, buffing, and massaging, so why should I bother.  But, the way everyone looked at my feet, then my ever-increasing belly, and then asked the question, I took it as a personal challenge...could I actually do it myself at 8+months pregnant?

Turns out I can.  Glad that question is out of the way so I can go back to having it done by professionals.

Part II:
I also actually hung up my paintings, all by myself, and with only six holes in the wall (four were required).  Not that this is the first time I've ever hung a portrait, but this is the first time I've ever tried to do it the proper way.  I actually used a level, a step-ladder, AND a stud-finder.  (and by the way, the only reason for the two extra holes in the wall was because the stud finder was lying to me).

I'm not entirely certain yet how I feel about the paintings, but I did a bang-up job of putting them up!

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