Sunday, August 15, 2010

Diapers, Diapers, Everywhere!

 We (well, I) are fairly determined to use cloth diapers.  It seems like they can't possibly be that much worse than disposables, once you get used to it.  And it just seems like a lot of garbage for one little creature to generate.  So, I sent in my order last week.  I even sprung for the organic cotton version (okay, it was only $4 more, but still, and it didn't seem that much more expensive than the one container of diapers I bought at Target last week.)  Plus did you know it takes 1/3lb of pesticides to  grow one cotton t-shirt?  Dianne dropped them off this week (handy having someone in "the biz"), look at the super-cute containers they came in:
Of course, they will NEVER again fit in these little packs, so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with four cotton envelopes, but they are pretty cute.

I got my no-residue detergent and I'm ready to start the multi-step process of turning the diapers from large, nonabsorbent cardboard into tiny, absorbent diapers.  I'm only one wash in so far (good thing baby's not moving too quickly), but it seemed the perfect time to try out my new clothes line!
I was super excited when we first moved here to discover that we already had a clothes line put up between our porch and the back fence.  Of course, it was only after we put it up that I realized it was actually a dog run (who needs a dog run in a fully-fenced back yard?!?).  It worked okay, but I could only reach about 2/3'ds of it and it was too short to hold an entire load of wash, so it went on Keith's to-do list to make it a little more user-friendly.  He designed a fantastic new layout, and it's much less obtrusive in the back yard (since the dog-run ran directly over my vegetable garden).

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