Tuesday, January 29, 2013

25-ish Weeks

Okay, I admit it, I'm getting a little bit behind on my weekly photos.  She turned 24 weeks a week ago yesterday, and I just took this photo on Sunday...and I haven't gotten around to the week 25 shots yet.  Parker loves playing with these blocks, and it's hard to find a time that he's asleep, she's awake, and there's decent light (being January doesn't help much either).
But, this toy-cluttered shot is probably a more accurate representation of our lives anyway.

Cecily is becoming a more interactive little girl.  She loves watching Parker play and even gives him a giggle when he tickles her.  For the most part, she's a pretty happy baby, although she does sometimes make you work for it if you want her to smile.

She's still fussing a lot when I feed her, so we've changed her meds from the Zantac to Prevacid.  It's a lot easier to get her to take the pill once a day than pour the liquid fire down her throat twice a day, but I'm not sure that it's really making a difference either way.  But, outside of mealtime, and when I'm trying to sleep, she's become a pretty happy baby.
We started her on solids a week or so ago.  She's loved the rice cereal and the avocado, but the pumpkin was a huge NO!  (I know, pumpkin is a random baby food, I just happened to have some in the freezer and thought I'd try it out - Parker liked it)
Unlike her brother, she LOVES the mesh feeder and will munch on anything we put into it.

Right now she is suffering a really nasty diaper rash, so I've stopped the solids until I can figure out if it's the food or the Prevacid that's causing it.  She's a little jealous watching us eat at the dinner table, but the poor little one has a very sore bum at the moment. 

Her sleeping is still pretty patchy.  She's pretty consistently taking three or four 20-30 minute naps a day, with the occasional 2-3 hour nap thrown in once or twice a week, just to keep us on our toes.
Her night-time sleeping remains lousy.  When asked, I usually say that on a good night, she sleeps in two hour increments.  The past few days have been closer to 1 1/2 hours.  We're starting to put her down un-swaddled; at the moment, it doesn't seem to make much difference either way.

She's getting more coordinated every day.  She loves putting things in her mouth, and can even occasionally get her binky back in after she swats it out.

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