Thursday, January 17, 2013

You turn your back for one second...

Before I had kids, I never would have expected that I'd be the neurotic, helicopter-type parent.  But, much to my surprise, I am; I very seldom let Parker out of my sight (or the sight of someone responsible).  We went to visit a friend last week and her son & Parker were running up & down the stairs playing, I kept wanting to double-check that he would be okay by himself upstairs.

I don't have a real explanation for this outside of my natural worry-wort nature, and a 2-year-old's natural inclination to constantly break things and/or themselves.

But, this week, I was reminded of why I don't leave him alone:

Wednesday Morning, Parker & I consolidated some of my spices and I put the empty spice jars in his kitchen for him to play with.  I come back into the room and he had emptied the (large & full) oregano jar into his kitchen sink:

Oh well, the mess is done, so we spent the rest of the morning playing with oregano.

Later that day, I came into the dining room to find him sitting in Cecily's high chair with the lap top in his lap.

The next morning, I got up early to prepare an egg dish for church.  I had everything laid-out when both kids woke up at the same time.  I let Parker out of his room and in the time it took me to change Cecily's diaper, he was here:

See all those egg shells on the counter?  Parker did every last one of them.

I will say, although there were egg guts all-over Parker and the counter, he'd managed to keep them off the floor and there were actually very few shells that I had to dig out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man...this one made me chuckle! Two thoughts: 1) I love that you just let him dive into that oregano and 2) his egg cracking skills are impressive!
