Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 Months!

Our girl is 5 months old!

I know it's been said already, but ever since we started the Zantac, Cecily has been such a happy baby.  She's smiling & laughing all the time.  She continues to be an opinionated little girl, however, so if she's unhappy about anything, she's not afraid to let the world know with her screaming. 

She's starting to get more coordinated.  She loves to grab hold of whatever she can reach & put it in her mouth.

I think we're getting closer to teeth, since she's always chewing and drooling.  But judging by the red marks on her gums, she might be starting with her lower canine teeth (pretty sure that's not what they're really called).  I realize that teeth are supposed to grow in a certain order, but that doesn't mean that they will.

Cecily is a pro at rolling over, tummy time is pretty much a thing of the past, she will roll over almost instantly after being put down.  I've seen her roll over back onto her tummy once, but she hasn't done it again since then.  She is often reaching for things, so she turns around & around in circles with her head as the center point.

Cecily still sleeps like a newborn, she usually takes 3-5 naps in a day, very seldom for more than 20-30 minutes.  Two weeks ago, she had two nights in a row where she slept through the night for 9+ hours.  Since then, she's been waking up EVERY HOUR at night.  Her Mama's tired.

I'm starting to think that we might need to send Parker to Grandma's for the weekend and let her cry it out a night or two.  ...maybe...  We'll see, I'm not ready for it yet.

We went in for a weight check this week, she's still a tiny one.  After her stellar 9-oz weight gain last time, she only gained 8 oz, up to 12lbs, 8oz this week.  The Dr said it's not great, but not horrible, so we're not worrying about it too much.  He did say that when I start her on solids I might want to mix a little olive oil in to up the calorie count.

At the moment, I'm not really eager to start solids.  She's probably ready, but what we're doing now is pretty darn convenient for Mama, so we're going with that for as long as we can.

We discovered this weekend that Cecily will not take the bottle, no matter what.  It's unfortunate that she decided this on a weekend where I was planning to be away from her on three separate occasions.  There was a lot of screaming involved and I think Daddy might be ready to go back to work tomorrow.

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