Wednesday, February 6, 2013

6 Months!

Six months ago, this little spit-fire entered our lives. has not been the same since.
I'm not entirely sure if I should say these have been the longest or the shortest months of our lives.  Both seem true.

Although she's still on the teeny-tiny side, Cecily is growing.  At the very least, her 0-3month pants don't fit any more.  This week, I'll be clearing out her closet & bringing in the 6-9 month clothes.  Not so much because she needs them yet, but you need to give each wardrobe equal representation.
Her 6-month appointment isn't until the end of the month, so we'll see then how she's actually growing.

Last night, Cecily & Parker had a dance-off, she was laughing her little head off.  Which is quite a feat, this little girl doesn't just laugh for any old thing.
She's still given up all tummy-time as she rolls-over almost immediately.  She pretends like she's going to roll back over onto her tummy at some time, but so far she just seems to hang out on her side.

We've started Cecily on solids.  She liked the rice cereal and avocado, as well as the banana in the mesh feeder.  So far, she hates the applesauce and mashed pears.  I'm telling you, this kid is crazy.  Keith spent half-an-hour last night trying to feed her pears, I think he got about two bites into her, so that's a start anyway.
We've started putting Cecily in the nursery at church, she is a total pro and doesn't even seem to notice that I'm gone.

Monday night, Cecily slept from 9pm until 5:30am.  It was a glorious occasion, one for which I am eternally grateful, but don't expect it to continue.  Her average continues to be waking up every two hours, although last night she skipped her 2am feeding, so maybe there's hope out there.  She's napping 2-4 times a day, usually for under an hour, but sometimes she'll take a long nap in the late afternoon, but that one's unpredictable.
We've gone back to swaddling her.  She almost instantly pulls her arms out, but she seems to need it to fall asleep.  It is not uncommon to go into her room at 2am to find her wearing her swaddle blanket like a giant scarf around her belly, waving her hands, and laughing at Mama.

Cecily loves putting stuff in her mouth, her fingers and clothing are her particular favorite, but she'll take just about anything.  She can even sometimes get her binky back into her mouth, which is a skill I'm strongly encouraging.
She loves her big brother and I think she's even starting to see that Daddy's not so bad.  I'm learning that she's a lot tougher than I give her credit for, considering the number of times Parker has elbowed her in the gut.

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