Monday, February 18, 2013

Long Weekend: FAIL

Keith & I have a history of catastrophic dates: On our second date, we came back from the show to find Keith's car locked inside the parking garage, and on more than one occasion we've gone out only to discover that the restaurant we were planning to eat at had gone out of business.  So, I suppose that it should have come as no surprise that the weekend where we planned not one, but TWO dates, would be an unmitigated disaster.
We had big ideas for the weekend, so big in fact, that we couldn't fit all the ideas into our four-day weekend and had to drop a few, but the main idea was:
Friday Morning: Clean the house top-to-bottom (see Saturday afternoon below)
Friday night: Dinner & a movie with the kids at Keith's folks
Saturday morning: Piper's Birthday party
Saturday Afternoon: Welcome Jeff & Katie & Family for the weekend
Saturday night: Comedy show with some friends
Sunday: Day trip to Whidby with the Gerigs
Monday: Enjoy more hang-out time with Jeff & Katie
It started out okay, Parker helped Daddy get ready in the morning:

Parker & Cecily spent Friday evening with Keith's parents while we had a fantastic dinner & went to see Les Mis.  We picked Cecily up & left Parker to spend the night & meet us Saturday morning at the Needs for Piper's birthday party.
...that's where the wheels seem to have come off of the weekend.
Our poor little guy woke up at some point of the night very sick.  Keith went to pick him up Saturday morning and made calls to cancel the rest of our weekend plans.

Parker spent most of the day Saturday sleeping.  He'd wake up and be fairly chipper for half-an-hour or so, and then get cranky and go back to bed.

Keith spent the suddenly free day doing tons of chores around the house.  He changed all the batteries in the smoke detectors, hung up a coat rack, and built me some shelves for my cook books.

Here's the before:
(actually, I haven't taken the after photo yet, you'll have to trust me, it's awesome!)

All-in-all a very productive day for Keith.  And the end of all productivity for the weekend.  Sunday afternoon, I came down with Parker's sickness, so Keith was in-charge of both kids all day Sunday.  By Monday morning, Keith was sick too, and we had to send (a very healthy & energetic) Parker off to Grandma's house yet again.

Fortunately, this little one managed to stay healthy, for which I am eternally grateful, I'm not sure we could handle another sick person in the house.

It's now Thursday and I feel like we're finally getting our feet back under us and the house has (for the second time in a week) been thoroughly cleaned.  So, our four-day weekend turned into a five-day weekend, but I don't think it counts as a vacation.

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